Huck Finn's America

Huck Finn's America

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Huck Finn's America

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  • Huck Finn's America

    • 簡介

      A provocative, exuberant, and deeply researched investigation into Mark Twain writing of Huckleberry Finn, which turns on its head everything we thought we knew about America favorite icon of childhood.In Huck Finn America, award-winning biographer Andrew Levy shows how modern readers have been misunderstanding Huckleberry Finn for decades. Twain masterpiece, which still sells tens of thousands of copies each year and is taught more than any other American classic, is often discussed either as a carefree adventure story for children or a serious novel about race relations, yet Levy argues convincingly it is neither. Instead, Huck Finn was written at a time when Americans were nervous about youth violence and ncivilized?bad boys, and a debate was raging about education, popular culture, and responsible parenting ?casting Huck now-celebrated reedom?in a very different and very modern light. On issues of race, on the other hand, Twain lifelong fascination with minstrel shows and black culture inspired him to write a book not about civil rights, but about race role in entertainment and commerce, the same features upon which much of our own modern consumer culture is also grounded. In Levy vision, Huck Finn has more to say about contemporary children and race that we have ever imagined?f we are willing to hear it. An eye-opening, groundbreaking exploration of the character and psyche of Mark Twain as he was writing his most famous novel, Huck Finn America brings the past to vivid, surprising life, and offers a persuasive?nd controversial?rgument for why this American classic deserves to be understood anew.


    規格:22.9*15.2*0 cm

    系列名稱:Mark Twain and the Era That Shaped His Masterpiece


  • 作者:Levy, Andrew

  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books

  • 出版日:2014/12/30

  • ISBN:9781439186961

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:精裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Huck Finn's America


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