Cold Fall

親愛的想我嗎 ^_^

恭喜你 ! 當你來到這裡時.請不要懷疑.你已經中了樂透了!一定是相當的開心喔!

訝異的想說!!!我真的這麼幸運嗎 ^_^ ! 這問題就讓我來回答你 , 幸運之神一直都在你身邊.不覺得一切事情都很得心應手嗎 ! 肯定自我 , 我對你又信心的 ! 這就是你想要的東西 . 真的!!!

Cold Fall




  • Cold Fall

    • 簡介

      The evening when Flight 229 is torn apart at Washington Dulles Airport (killing all 435 passengers aboard), a mission begins that will become an obsession for James Bond.Who is responsible for destroying the aircraft? Was it a straightforward act of terrorism against a British-owned symbol? An assassination aimed at only one person? A ruthless attempt to put the airline out of business? For Bond, only one of the victims matters: his former lover and old friend, the Principessa Sukie Tempesta.The search for Sukie killers will turn out to be the most complex and demanding assignment of Bond career. Across continents and through ever-changing labyrinths of evil, he follows the traces of clues into the center of a fanatical society more deadly than any terrorist army. Its code name is COLD: the Children of the Last Days. What he finds there is chilling indeed.


    規格:21*14*0 cm

    系列名稱:A 007 Novel


  • 作者:Gardner, John

  • 出版社:Pegasus Books

  • 出版日:2015/11/15

  • ISBN:9781605989051

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:平裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Cold Fall


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