The Secret Affair

The Secret Affair

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The Secret Affair

最近逛街的時候在店面看到The Secret Affair心裡覺得很心動! 但是我有想到

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The Secret Affair商品網址如下:




  • The Secret Affair

    • 簡介

      Will this Westmoreland affair remain a secret? Find out in this novel from New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson! It has been a year since Jillian Novak ended their affair?a year that left Dr. Aidan Westmoreland determined to win back his lover. He knows they shouldn't have to keep their relationship a secret and he'll follow her around the world to prove it. Fourteen days on a cruise ship?just Aidan, Jillian and the deep blue sea?and a passion that won't be denied.


    規格:16.8*10.7*1.3 cm

    系列名稱:Harlequin Desire


  • 作者:Jackson, Brenda

  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books

  • 出版日:2014/12/2

  • ISBN:9780373733545

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:平裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

The Secret Affair


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