Cat嫮ogo de formas - Catalog forms

親愛的想我嗎 ^_^

恭喜你 ! 當你來到這裡時.請不要懷疑.你已經中了樂透了!一定是相當的開心喔!

訝異的想說!!!我真的這麼幸運嗎 ^_^ ! 這問題就讓我來回答你 , 幸運之神一直都在你身邊.不覺得一切事情都很得心應手嗎 ! 肯定自我 , 我對你又信心的 ! 這就是你想要的東西 . 真的!!!

Cat嫮ogo de formas - Catalog forms




  • Cat嫮ogo de formas / Catalog forms

    • 簡介

      The protagonist of this book, like the author, is an architect. At first he believes in the power of modern technology but later becomes disenchanted as he replaces beautiful forests with useless buildings. The narration, however, does not lead readers from one point to another in a linear fashion, nor does it build a biography. InCat嫮ogo de formas, content alternates between architects' monologues and personal testimonies. Throughout his first captivating and demanding novel, the author shifts time periods, perspective, and locations between a chorus of voices that construct the text.


    規格:21*13.3*0 cm

    系列名稱:Largo Recorrido


  • 作者:Cabral, Nicol嫳

  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books

  • 出版日:2015/5/1

  • ISBN:9788492865895

  • 語言:西班牙文

  • 裝訂:平裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Cat嫮ogo de formas - Catalog forms


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